" 34 Posts, last published on Jul 21, 2007" thats what my dashboard tells me...what it doesnt say is that since Jul 30,2007 i have had only a single holiday and that too fortuitously....reaching the station and coming back home from there due to a lucky break is what made that holiday...
If i had had an inkling of the life that i was to have after reaching this point, would i have embarked on it ? would the Jul 29,2007 Nair have envisioned a life as hectic as this...although hectic doesnt do justice to the kind of life that i am leading now...leaving home at 7 am and reaching back at 12.30 in the night....hardly 7 hours spent at home in a day....rarely more than 5 hrs of sleep...would i have taken up this assignment if i'd known the hell it is now ???
i guess i would have....life's been too easy far too long, and its better to pay my dues earlier than later...life has a funny way of striking back you know..and in between its given me a lot of lucky breaks you know, this college being amongst the top 2-3 of them...and better to have my ass kicked left-right and center right now amongst my peers rather than in some big-shot place where they're paying me for the same stuff...
am bang in the middle of one of the more important "events" of the year...as i could call it..have got around 5 min free...its becoming more and more impossible for me to collect my thoughts and to think straight...despair gives way to helplessness, tiresdness seeps into the very core of my bones...i cant think..cant write...
and yet i persevere....why, i know not...the only thing i know is that i cannot fail again....not here, not now, not again...I Will Survive...