Someone in my institute told me today that I haven't blogged for a long time, or at least anything of any consequence...and well, I was surprised, I didn't know anyone read this rag in the first was pleasant, though....a reminder of things beyond the institute, placements, capital markets and corporate finance...Thank you mate, you know who you are....
It was a reminder of a time when I could express myself freely, without regards to consequences, when I would say fuck you to someones face and not give a bloody shit about it...the world's become slightly more complicated now, I have become entangles in myself..well, I do have 6 months to unravel myself...and now, as I feel these words and thoughts coming out of nowhere, I feel the same thing I always feel when I write, why dont i do this more often ?? Its much more therapuetic for me than I would care to admit...and its been years since I've collected my thoughts more coherently..maybe with my new wi-fi enabled phone (showing off a lil here, dont mind...its a Nokia N81-8GB), i could write more, especially during those endless lectures on business...
You know what, maybe I will...Thank you, friend..