Moral Warnings - A Haiku

Morning of your life
All is well usually
May it always be.

Comes then the high noon
Pinnacle of healthy verve
Most care must we take.

Evening finds us
At our most vulnerable
The day's sins return.

Warnings must we heed
The ones that come from inside
As well as outside.

Night comes for us all
Will we meet it on two legs
Or will we need four?


As usual, a short haiku in the 5-7-5 format. Wrote it for the Moral Warning contest on Indiblogger being run by Colgate. They have this nice site My Healthy Speak that gives you quite a lot of good information about your teeth. You should go check it out.


Mohit said...

maa kasam, tu ladki hona chahiye tha. Tujhey, line mar mar ke main mar deta :-*

Unknown said...
