(55-2) Itch....
He had been in his room, sating an urge uncontrollable.
She only wanted to surprise him.
Smiling, she opened the door, froze, blinked, turned and ran.
He looked up, looked down and sat down.
How do you show your manhood as proof for mosquito bite when you haven't had your first kiss?
But Why?
The Importance of SRT

hidden meaning in ordinary word,
blood-red wings on a flightless bird,
so much frustration, same with unrest,
equal and unequal put to the test.
desire is the cause of sorrow,
live nought but for the morrow,
can the mind be ever a servent tame,
instead of a beast forever aflame?
life is too short to ever take tension,
do we spend or make do till pension,
money, money inflaming passions,
power and fame our twin obsessions.
Everything here is already known,
Birds of a flock already flown,
Myself am I not immune,
Isn't advising others inopportune?
Zara Zara Touch Me Song Lyrics
All I seee…
In hersszzz Touch
Wats d fun ? ah ah
Do u know wht i mean it isz ?
Sup sup
Can i get ya
Can i touch ya
Can i get ya
Can i touch ya
Zara Zara Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me
Ah Zara Zara Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
Ah Zara Zara Hold Me Hold Me Hold Me
Ah zara zara .. Oooo ooo ooo
Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me
Ah Zara Zara
Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
Ah Zara Zara
Hold Me Hold Me Hold Me
Ah Zara Zara
Oooo ooo ooo
(Bin tere sanam is jahan mein
Beqkaar hum
Dum da dum da dum
Bin tere sanam is jahan mein
Beqkaar hum ) ….. 2
Zara Zara Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me
Ah Zara Zara Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
Ah Zara Zara Hold Me Hold Me Hold Me
Ah zara zara .. Oooo ooo ooo
Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me
Ah Zara Zara
Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me
Ah Zara Zara
Hold Me Hold Me Hold Me
Ah Zara Zara
Oooo ooo ooo.......
And so the song continues with a few random words thrown in between. People get paid for this. And not on humor blogs. Also, funnier than anything I could come up with. How do I get a piece of the pie? Lyrics obtained from here.
- just noticed that Sagarika Ghatge has amazing lips, going by the promo posters of Fox
- Takia's takiyas are back !! just might catch up on Wanted for those reasons...the South Indian in me expresses himself in weird ways
- I must be the sole male (and maybe human being) in the Asian subcontinent who thinks that Katrina Kaif looks, well, weird...
Why, why, why is it so tough to write sometimes and so perfectly natural at others ?? like the previous one...I wrote it on my mobile in the middle of the night and it took me barely a couple of minutes..
Even these lines seem so if to justify the opening of this page...
Discipline, Mental...
P.S.: Was my PlaceCom Mentor who introduced me to Trebuchet; me being under orders not to send any mail in any other font, under pain of getting screwed, not a case of love at first sight, like with Monotype Corsiva, but has grown on me to the point where I try to keep it as default as far as possible...
I couldn't attend her engagement..i couldn't attend her wedding..i tried calling her but some relative picked up the phone and quite correctly pointed out that she was a 'little' busy..and although i'm sure she knows nothing of this's my heartfelt wishes to you dear sis..may there be no fortunes from which you are turned away and may no misfortune ever turn your way..for if they do, it would surely mean that justice does not exist in this world, and then would this world be worth living in?
LUCK - WTF ???
Dropped from Page 5 to Page 6 on google..It took a damn controversy to get it there from Page Oblivion in the first place..
Gotta do more of the same now??
Heaven help me...
Drop in @ Dhule...
other impressions...the place is hot..and surprisingly sticky...given that i come from mumbai, world leader in sticky heat, its not much of a difference, but for a place this far inland, i was surprised how much i sweated in the first week...i must've lost weight by the gallon rather than by the kilo...and oh yes, i am losing weight..thts what happens when I can't find a single good place to eat and am forced to eat to live, rather than live to eat which as everyone can attest, is one of my most important mottos of life...hopefully, it'll lead me to lose the enormous pot belly which I acquired almost exactly a year back..karma??
No Babes...absolutely none..and i've looked, believe me...and yes, I am a shallow shallow man..
Hard water here...takes some getting used to..and more woe to me, i am forced to take bath in cold water, which is something i absolutely HATE...everyday i have to relive that fateful day in Delhi when I had to take bath in ice-cold water @ 4 degree C, and tell myself that if I can do that, then this should be a piece of cake..which its not, but im surviving...
Hotel is a marvel. I will leave it at that.
Work hasn't started in full flow as yet. Hardly a couple of hours of work everyday, which leaves a lot of time for R&R. My back is getting as much rest as it could've gotten in Mumbai. so i guess the company's taking good care of me. Once work starts its supposed to be a lot of work, so i guess I should savor the rest while I'm getting some...
What a brief brief synopsis..more as and when it comes along..
Tiara Francisco Bloop.
Un-Sick Haiku
Sicko ??
Sometimes the stuff is really hot and there is a peculiar aroma which comes out that I really enjoy...It only comes out when the thing is really hot, so the weird part is I dunno whether its the smell of the oil+powder or my skin burning...If I'm really enjoying the smell of burning skin, how fucked-up am I ??
WeiRD ?
Of cricket and pain...
New Look...
Still green-themed, but a darker, more glitzy look....I'd been trying for edgy but couldn't quite get through to that..A reflection of how I feel??
Have a few styles in backup as well..But I'm planning to give this look a fair run..
So here's to a new beginning !
is season of heat over?
With posts like this : KKR Rock
And that's not even amongst his funnier posts...
When you have time to kill and have nothing else to do, go for an afternoon expedition in his archives...It'll be worth it..
Greatbong, take a bow sir...
Ground Realities ??
1) I always maintained that if I ever left Bombay/Mumbai for any other city, it would be Dubai. It was the only true multi-national city that I have seen, and that includes Mumbai too. I was fascinated with its wealth, its easy rules, and its near resemblance to home, what with so many Indians around. I did think of issues like the spiralling rents, what it would be to leave everyone in India, but the chance of living in a truly Global City seemed to make up for it.
Until this, that is : The Dark Side of Dubai
Worst part, it brings out into the open snatches of conversations and hushed whispers I'd heard but never deigned to think on..And since I've been doing a lot of thinking anyways, why not add this stuff to the mix ?
2) Gods want me to stay in Mumbai. Yes, it might be the worst of the lot, but that can't be helped now. My second choice in India was Bangalore and look what happens there.
Godfather of Bangalore
And more pictures relating to the same here : Pics
Warning: Both are long reads, but thoroughly thought-provoking..
Comments welcome...
International Premier League?
A Sri Lankan bowling to a West Indian with a South African at the non-strikers end and a New Zealand wicket keeper.
Keep it coming...
(Goddamn, that was a whole sentence masquerading as a paragraph)
What will happen if the producers go on strike? Will the needs of the people be fulfilled just because they exist? And so many many more questions...I will read it again, but I find myself afraid of touching that book, in case I get lost in it. Im sure the next time I open it, it will take me more than a month to finish it.
Do read it. And The Fountainhead, also by the same author. It gives refreshing perspectives on what is happening around you. You might not agree with what is written, and that is your choice. But do read.
Drop your comments on the books here. I'd love to know what you guys thought of them.
(BTW, Thats 16 now...)
Last was May 2007, when I had 12 posts in the month.
This would be 15 for the month, with 4 days to go.
Do I count the five I removed as well ??
Nah, they aren't on right now, so we'll stick with 15 and counting....
One of my favorite songs...
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.
You wanna go where people know,
people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows
your name.
I wish I had written this....
1) Come to read this blog (obviously)
2) Go to this link: Crystal Blur
3) Scroll down a little. Keep your eyes on the right side of the screen.
4) Clink on the various links that make up the Mahabharata Series and Rishyasringa Series.
5) Read them.
6) Laugh your ass off.
7) Come thank me....oops, that's not in fashion right now,sorry.
8) Curse me for defiling Hindu religion.
Comme Ci, Comme Ça
Sorry for the interruption in the flow of things...
It will be back by tonight, I promise...
Till then, you can enjoy the comments on Moderation, which frankly is the only post i've had so many comments on...
Strange that the actual hurt-causing posts had no comments on them whatsoever.
And rest, spare a thought for the people who were mentioned in the post. You aren't letting the topic die down and only causing them more grief. (That sounded sickly defensive from my side, but that's what I feel, so yay to more ammunition for you people!!)
P.S. : After disabling, found that you cannot read the comments either, so sorry for that too. Will be back by tonight.
P.P.S: This will be happening on and off. Kindly come back in a few hours every time you see that you cannot post a comment.
For creating a fake ID, and trying to rip apart people by spreading malicious rumours.
For posting comments, and make snide remarks while hiding behind a mask.
And so easy to ridicule people who have made a different choice.
I might have been incorrect and stupid, but a coward I was not.
Like me.
To moderations and misunderstandings, then.
First two papers done, one being environment and other entrepreneurship...both being debatable..EVM is a good idea in theory, gets translated into practice of the questions in the paper was to distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sure my 10 year old sis could've given a fair shot at the paper..though i'm still not sure if i'll clear though, which is a fair reflection on my abilities...Some of the stuff was interesting and merited deeper thought, but a lot of unnecessary stuff demanded equal time, so give-or-take it was a lost cause.
As for teaching entrepreneurship, the very idea seems redundant. The entire course, could've been filtered down to three simple words: G@@$% Mein Dum. If you have it, you can be an entrepreneur, successful or not, time will tell. If you dont, you cant. As simple as that. Whatever else you require, can be acquired, but not that.
Have a relatively tougher paper tomorrow, Ethics and Corporate Governance. Wondering how many pages I will devote to Satyam tomorrow ?

Yes, I'm stealing again from a blog, but this time i know exactly where I am stealing it from...
Gayish ??
Studies ?
So ?
Facebook Mahabharata
Go ahead, write
u gotta get out more..
panipuri rocks..
so does school..
everyone grows fast can u grow back down ?
Necessities of Niceties
Comics in real life
pinky for pune
a) one of my oldest friends who did her dentistry there
b) what i would give to be posted there
c) ramblings from a procrastinating bum
d) it is written.....
hard work (or any work for that matter)
the business of business is to make profit
All around me are signs of despair and a line,a couple is cooching, paper being read,mobile game, blogging, staring into the abyss of boredom, sudoku, tom and jerry, undercover economist and beyond that even i stop caring..
On an unrelated topic,i am suddenly finding pretentious ppl to be more irritating than hypocrites and making a serious play for top spot..not that i know what holds top spot in that empty piece of real estate that is my head..
By the way,tom and jerry rocks anywhere anytime anyhow..